Winter Training Details

Schedule Update: 1st-6th Grade Girls begin training on Tuesday November 19th at 4pm. 1st -6th Grade Boys begin training on Thursday November 21st at 4pm. All Sessions are 1 hour long. 

OYL New Indoor Training Facility: Coleman Country Day Camp in Freeport. We are so happy to have partnered with Coleman as our new home.

In preparation for the 2025 spring season, OYL offers all of our players winter training clinics with their team. Throughout the hour training session, our players are put through position specific training to focus on developing skills and fundamentals.  Our volunteer coaches will working with the players to ensure they get the instruction and reps needed to make them ready for the spring season.

** Winter Training is included in the 2024-2025 Registration fee**

+ OYL Winter Training is for for all attackmen, midfielders, defensemen and Goalies from grades 1st-6th

+ Every player has the chance to strengthen and enhance their skills  under the guidance of OYL coaches.

+ 12 Indoor Sessions at Coleman Country Day Camp in Freeport

Girls: Tuesday 4-5pm  (starting in mid November)

Boys: Thursday 4-5pm (starting in mid November)


Equipment needed Boys-  stick, gloves, mouth piece, helmet and protective cup

Equipment needed Girls-  stick, eye goggles (gloves/helmet optional)

Boys/Girls Grades 1st-6th